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Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan for Pcos Weight Loss

You are here: Home / PCOS AND THYROID / Indian diet plan for Pcod ( Weight loss diet for Pcos)

Dear readers welcome to this post that talks about the Indian diet plan for PCOD. Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder where females produce an excess of androgen hormones. These days not only overweight or obese women, but women with normal weight also experience PCOS.

Indian diet plan for pcod Image :Copyright: marochkina / 123RF Stock Photo

Causes of Pcod

  • Stress
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • A side effect of any other illness
  • Junk food
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Compromised immunity
  • A regular body checkup every year will help detect any disorders early.

Signs and Symptoms of  PCOD?

  • Irregular periods
  • Uncontrolled acne
  • Frequently feeling hungry, after just 1- 2 hours of proper meals
  • Often dips in blood sugars or giddiness
  • Excess hair growth on unlikely areas of the body
  • Infertility
  • Difficulty in losing weight

This hormone imbalance causes them to have irregular menstrual periods. PCOS causes hair growth on the face and body. It is known as hirsutism. This might even contribute to long-term health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

The vicious cycle of Weight and PCOS:

Excess weight means excess body fat that leads to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is prominent in PCOS. Hence the doctors prescribe diabetic medicines in Pcos and Pcod.  With this Indian diet plan for pcod, we are not only aiming at weight loss, but our target is to reduce the body fat. This will, in turn, help us balance our hormone system.

How to achieve the goal of losing body fat in PCOS /PCOD?

  • Take proper medical assistance
  • Follow a healthy Indian diet plan for pcod
  • Involve in regular exercise

Medical Assistance:

The first line of treatment is to start an estrogen pill or oral contraceptives to regularise the hormone cycle. Metformin is prescribed to correct insulin secretion and action. Metformin reduces body fat and in turn resulting in weight loss. It is advised to take professional help before popping any pills.

Healthy Diet:

Diet should be such that reduces weight, positively affects hormones and improves insulin resistance. A moderate intake of complex carbohydrates, high protein and fair intake of healthy fats is advisable. Consume high fiber whole grains, millets, fibrous fruits and vegetables, sprouts, egg whites, chicken, fish, low-fat dairy products and omega 3 rich oil. Read more on diet tips for pcod.

Here is a detailed Indian diet plan for Pcod / Pcos. This diet chart will help you achieve your target.

Dietary guidelines for Indian diet plan for Pcod / pcos

  • Replace your regular wheat flour with any multigrain flour or millet flour. The high fiber flour has a maximum satiating effect thus, the quantity ingested is less. Include quinoa, oats or cereals with bran. This helps in weight loss, especially fat loss. Read –Top 10 low carb recipes for weight loss and  Benefits of different types of millets in weight loss.
  • Eat at least 1 – 2 fruits in a day. Sweet fruits fulfill your craving for desserts. The high fiber content of the fruits gives a feeling of fullness and satisfies the small hunger between the meals. Avoid any fruit juice as it is high in simple sugars. Simple sugars lead to weight gain and increased serum cholesterol. Read – How to stop food cravings during weight loss.
  • Green salad or vegetable soup provides dietary fiber and reduce glucose surge, that in turn helps in controlling serum cholesterol and aid in weight loss. find Interesting recipes of salads and soups here – Healthy recipes
  • Incorporation of low-fat dairy products, egg whites, dals and pulses increases the protein in the diet. This, in turn, regulates blood sugars, controls hormone action and reduces weight and regularises ovulation cycle. Read – Types of sprouts and their benefits in weight loss
  • The warm water with cinnamon at night washes out toxins from the body and satisfies the thirst that can be mistaken for hunger. The cinnamon added to it increases the antioxidant property of the water. Cinnamon also improves insulin sensitivity and reduces insulin resistance.
  • Do not skip any meals. If more meals skipped, you tend to put on more fat in the body instead of losing weight.
  • Consume 5 – 6 meals per day. This avoids the sugar release and insulin surge in the body thus, avoiding insulin resistance.
  • Green Tea

    Green tea is a stress reliever. It regularises the body's metabolism, removes toxic wastes and helps in reducing cholesterol. Read – different types of drinks that help in weight loss

  • Green juice

    When taken on an empty stomach removes toxins from the body. Hence drinking it on empty stomach is very important. The antioxidant-rich juice reduces the inflammatory damage done on the ovaries and other blood vessels in the body.

  • Exercise

    Exercises on empty stomach metabolize fat as an energy source thus, reducing insulin resistance. This also results in weight loss. Please read this article about how to burn fat while exercising.

  • Rice Bran Oil

    Use rice bran oil to control fat deposition, reduce stress on the arteries and to reduce weight. Also, olive oil used for cooking can be taken into consideration. Or a perfect blend of different oils is recommended.

Indian diet plan for pcod:

E mpty stomach:  1 Glass green juice

(Bottle gourd, mint, cucumber, ginger, lemon)

Exercise:  45 minutes of walk or any other workout
Breakfast:  1 Jowar Roti

+ 1 cup green vegetable


1 cup Broken Wheat Upma (Masala Daliya)


1 cup vegetable oats upama

Mid-morning: 1 Cup green tea

+ 1 Fruit (avoid banana, custard apple, and chicku)

Lunch: 1 Cup Green Salad

+ 2 -3 Chapattis

or 1 Cup Brown Rice vegetable pulav

+ 1 Cup Pulse or Dal

or chicken gravy (50 gm chicken)

+ 1.5 bowl Vegetables

+ 1 bowl curd

Mid -Afternoon: 1 Glass medium consistency Buttermilk


2 egg whites

Evening snack: 1 Cup Sprouts with salad


1 Fruit + 2 – 4 Walnuts

Late evening: 1 Cup Vegetable soup (any mix of vegetable)
Dinner: 1 Cup Quinoa Salad

+ 2 medium-sized Bajra Roti

OR 1 bowl Brown Rice

+ 1 Cup Pulse or Dal

+ 1 bowl Vegetables

Bedtime: 1 Glass warm water with cinnamon

I hope this detailed  Indian diet plan for pcod / PCOS helps you in formulating a low-calorie diet or yourself that will help you attain the health goals. If you want us to personalize a diet plan for you based on your timings and lifestyle, please see our diet services page.

Regular exercise:

Exercise along with following the above mentioned Indian diet plan for pcod. Our main aim is to reduce body fat rather than just bodyweight. Researchers claim that women with PCOS who did 3 hours of aerobic exercise per week for 12 weeks had improved insulin sensitivity, cholesterol, and visceral fat even is the weight loss was not prominent. Read – How to burn fat effectively.

Cardio workout:

Cardio workout acts on the body as a whole and not just a particular body part. 30 – 45 minutes of cardio exercise 5 times a week is advised. First 20 minutes of cardio workout uses carbohydrates and proteins from the body for energy. Post 20 minutes body starts breaking down fats for energy. This is when the actual fat loss begins. Exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing or skipping aims on fat loss.

Read – Benefits of walking and Benefits of skipping on weight loss.

A high-intensity cardio workout like cross-fit training, pilates or Zumba also gives similar results. 20 – 30 minutes 4 – 5 times a week is recommended.


Yogasana helps in accurate secretion of required hormones, weight loss, and stress reduction. Asanas like vakrasan, gaumukhasan, ardhamatsyendrasan, setubandhasan, balasan, vajrasan and halasan keep insulin in check. This, in turn, controls PCOS.

Read – Top 10 yoga poses for weight loss

Other benefits of exercise:

  • Weight loss.
  • Releases endorphins. It is a stress buster and helps in balancing hormones.
  • Improves fertility, Hence can help you in conceiving. (Read – Diet plan to help in conceiving ).
  • With increased blood circulation exercise may help in reducing acne. Read –  How to prevent Acne and how to reduce acne with home remedies.


PCOS is not a disease to be cured. It is a disorder that can be only corrected or maintained a healthy level. Every time you eat or drink something you are either feeding or fighting the disorder. Lose fat to win over PCOS. A balanced diet, exercise, and medication if required are tactics to fight against polycystic ovarian syndrome.

RD, Payal Banka (Registered Dietitian)

Payal(पायल) is a Registered Dietitian with 15 years of experience. She is a Professional Blogger, Author, and a Youtuber. She is an MBA in Health care and Hospital management. Payal believes in healthy living. Here at Dietburrp, you will find her talking about health, weight loss, fitness, parenting, healthy cooking and how to keep yourself motivated to be healthy.

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Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan for Pcos Weight Loss
