Are you trying to prepare your child for their first visit to the dentist? My kids and I have read just about every available storybook about the dentist. Below are ten of the best picture books and detailed reviews from myself and my five-year-old son, Matthew.Enjoy
"It's a funny book. I liked when pony spits at dad."
"Cute, quick read that is great at introducing brushing your teeth at home as a fun experience. It promotes parents brushing with their kids, which is great!"
"I liked seeing all of the tools that the dentist used and I liked how they fixed Dora's tooth."
"This is a great interactive read with your children to introduce them to the dental office. I really like how the pictures are fairly accurate and the instruments are introduced. This is one of my favorite books to read to prep your child for a dental visit."
"I liked when Sister showed mom her penny from the tooth fairy!"
"This story is a way to talk to kids about going to the dentist for the first time and/or if treatment is needed, but it is not one of my favorites. I do not like Brother talking about "yanking" the tooth and it makes the instruments look scary with descriptions of a "pick, scraper, tamper, and a yanker." I think with certain children this book would increase their anxiety."
"I like how he was sleeping in the car on the way home because the dentist made him tired."
"Despite really liking the Little Critter character, I would not recommend this for parents to prepare their children for the dentist because of the description of the "weird room" that "looked like a spaceship" and the accompanying picture. I also am very against the picture of the shot. I think with certain children this book would increase their anxiety."
"I like when the big bad wolf gets his teeth fixed and eats apples. Apples are good for your teeth!"
"This book does a very good job introducing the dental office to children. The instruments are shown, but in a friendly manner. The idea of tell-show-do, which is done in our office, is introduced. I like the accuracy of the pictures and I think it is great that diet and oral hygiene are discussed. It is also an entertaining read. Despite really liking this book from a dental professional standpoint, I do think it is a little long and wordy for the typical age group that loves Elmo."
"I have never been a fan of Peppa Pig but this book is a quick, harmless read to prepare your child for a dental visit. There was not a lot of good dental content but for children who really like Peppa Pig and may not sit for a longer story, this may be a good option for you."
"I like how Curious George ran away from the dentist down the hall."
"This was just a mediocre way of introducing your child to the dentist. I was really turned off by the crying of the kids, the mention of pointy instruments, and when the man said "OW!" I liked how the book showed the light, mirror, and counting the teeth. It is a typical fun Curious George story where he gets into a mess and it works out in the end, but in terms of introducing your child to the dentist for a first dental visit I think there are better options."
"I like learning about animals and think the pictures of the teeth are cool."
"This book is very interesting for both parents and children. It is filled with fun facts of animal teeth and is a great way to introduce the different jobs of teeth. I like the sections at the end about where teeth come from and oral hygiene. This is a great book to read for an upcoming visit to my son's kindergarten class.
"Favorite part is when it says to not bite your dentist but to bite someone else instead!"
"You have to love a good Dr. Seuss rhyme. I love how the uses of teeth are introduced and how the book stresses the need to take care of them. My favorite part of the book is the reminder not to bite your dentist!!"
"My son and I loved the dental jokes in this book. He enjoyed reading it himself. I have a hard time recommending this book for children before a dental visit unless the child is scheduled to have a tooth taken out. In terms of preparing your child for a dental visit, the story may not ease your child's anxiety because of the instruments shown and the forceps holding the tooth that was taken out."